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The site for construction of new power units at the Leningrad NPP was visited by the Leningrad regional government representatives.
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Titan-2 CEO Grigoriy Naginskiy and the Russian Export Centre CEO Pyotr Fradkov signed a co-operation agreement aimed at promoting exports on 13th October, 2016 in Moscow.
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Refueling machine was set into motion in the reactor building of Power Unit 1 of the LNPP under construction. It is a mechanism intended for nuclear fuel transfer to the reactor and for replacement of spent nuclear fuel.
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Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Natural Resource Usage (Rosprirodnadzor) has approved the Conclusion on Safety of International Public Environment Expertise for Power Unit 1 and Power Unit 2, which are currently under construction at the Leningrad NPP. The Conclusion on Safety is valid for ten years.
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Specialists of the First Unit of JSC “MSU-90” continue assembly of reactor coolant pump sets (RCPS) in the reactor building of Power Unit 1 of the LNPP under construction.
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In connection with the incident, which happened early Thursday morning, dredging works has been stopped on the Hanhikivi peninsula.
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The specialists of OJSC “SUS” completed the pre-assembly work of the 4th tier of the reactor building inner containment for the second Power Unit of the LNPP under construction.
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Two main circulation pump sets have been delivered to the construction site of the Leningrad NPP. Specialists of the First Unit of JSC “MSU-90” unloaded the equipment near the reactor building of the second Power Unit.
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The specialistы of the Second Unit of JSC “MSU-90” installed thrust truss in the reactor building of the second Power Unit of the LNPP under construction.