These are metal plates to be located between the turbine unit and its foundation. There shall be total of approximately 800 such pads.

Putting the turbine onto the permanent pads will allow to commence further activities - condensing and feed pipes flushing. The water will be fed to the condenser and the condensate system flushing will start as per the regular procedure. Installed first circuit pumps will be switched on, deaerator will be filled in with demineralized water and the feed pipes flushing will commence.

Nearly forty MSU-90 specialists are working directly at the turbine unit. The total of approximately 200 people are engaged at the turbine hall.

Putting the turbine onto the permanent pads, condenser welding, filling the condenser with water and commencement of systems flushing - these activities precede the closest milestone - second circuit hydraulic testing.

The turbine rotobarring start is scheduled for the end of this year.


Titan-2 Holding is the largest in the North-West group of companies, constructing the most important nuclear industry and power facilities. The company performs a full range of construction and installation works from engineering to commissioning.

Titan-2 Holding is the general contractor for the construction of the Leningrad NPP-2 power units. The Holding Companies perform all the civil, installation, and electrical works at a construction site. The works are carried out in the reactor, turbine, power supply, water supply, heat cogeneration buildings and other power unit structures.