The IC fifth tier is a welded metal structure consisting of 12 sections. It is a transition element between the cylindrical and the dome parts of the IC.
Previously, the tier sections were welded together on a special platform and assembled into a single ring. Its mass was 129 tons, diameter - 44 meters at the bottom. The finished structure was installed at the design elevation of the reactor building using heavy-duty crawler crane Liebherr LR 13000.
The job was successfully completed, the cargo was carried over to the installation position with an accuracy of one millimetre. After the installation of the fifth tier, the height of the reactor building of the Akkuyu NPP power unit 1 increased by almost 6.5 meters and reached the elevation of 43.1 m.
Alongside with the construction of the inner containment the works are underway in the reactor building on erection of outer and inner walls, installation of the embedded parts of the transport, pedestrian and backup locks. Builders will have to install 60 cantilevers, which will serve as support for the rails of the polar crane.
Information and photos by: JSC Akkuyu Nuclear
About Titan-2:
TITAN-2 Holding is a Russian group of companies that build nuclear power facilities. Branch organisations of the Holding run the full cycle of works ranging from development of design documentation for nuclear power facilities to their commissioning.
TITAN-2 Holding acts as the General Contractor responsible for construction of the new power units of the Leningrad NPP. Organisations of the Holding perform all civil, installation, and electric installation works at the construction site.
The Holding takes part in construction of the Hanhikivi 1 NPP in Finland, the Akkuyu NPP in Turkey, Paks II NPP in Hungary and El-Dabaa NPP in Egypt.
The fifth tier of inner containment of the reactor building was installed at power unit No. 1 of the Akkuyu NPP (Turkey)
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