Kingisepp standalone unit was created within the company for these works. It includes the safety staff, the chief engineer, chief mechanic, the mechanic installation office and construction sites. The total number of the staff within the unit is about 500 people.

MSU-90 teams work at two sites. The administrative building and access control point are being constructed on one site, the other is a site to launch pipeline scrapers - high-tech smart units used for internal inspection of the pipeline. The gas will flow to the pipeline scrapers site through four pipelines, then two lines will go to the Gulf of Finland water area.

Currently, MSU-90 team welds the underground part of the pipeline 28 inches in diameter, makes an embankment and completes the construction of foundations for launching stations of pipeline scrapers, and pipelines. Installation of filters and stopcocks is underway. MSU-90 team will have to install all the process equipment, tie it with pipelines and test.

The site has strict requirements not only for the quality of works, but also for compliance with environmental safety standards. When excavating the area, all measures were taken to mitigate the environment impact. Oil product spills are not allowed at the construction site. There are necessary sorbent agents for their immediate gathering in case of leakage. When carrying out drainage works, water is discharged at water collection and purification stations.

Key JSC MSU-90 employees are working on site. They took part in the construction of the existing Nord Stream gas pipeline and the Turkish Stream gas pipeline. The works are scheduled to be completed by the end of 2019.


Titan-2 Holding is the largest in the North-West group of companies, constructing the most important nuclear industry and power facilities. The company performs a full range of construction and installation works from engineering to commissioning.

Titan-2 Holding is the general contractor for the construction of the Leningrad NPP-2 power units. The Holding Companies perform all the civil, installation, and electrical works at a construction site. The works are carried out in the reactor, turbine, power supply, water supply, heat cogeneration buildings and other power unit structures.